Star Council
May and June are the months to complete the requirements for Star Council. Do you need two more new members to meet the Supreme recruitment goal for your council? Meet with your council officers and assign recruiters to make this happen. Schedule an Admissions Degree in the weeks remaining or take advantage of one nearby. Do you need one more insurance member to meet the Supreme insurance goal for your council? Meet with your Field Agent and develop a strategy to make that happen. This year there is a lot at stake — Supreme will rebate $4.50 for every billable member when you achieve Star Council. For councils with 100 billable members that is $450, for 200 it is $900 — all of which can be redirected to other council activities and charitable programs.
Now is the time to begin tallying up your council programs and submit Supreme Form SP-7. It is also important your council be current on Forms 365, Service Program Personal Report, and 1728, Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (even if they are late, submit them anyway). Every active council can easily fill in all of the lines on the Form SP-7. Did your council donate money to your church, youth group or a community organization? Did you pray for the unborn or participate in a Walk for Life near you. Did you hold a council social or Christmas party during the year, recognize a Family of the Month, visit the sick or hold a blood drive? Did you hold a Soccer Challenge or Basketball Free Throw Contest? Everything adds up. The important thing is to fill out the form and submit it on time. It is due at Supreme no later than June 30.
Remember also, the Brother and his wife who recruits the 75,000th member in the state of California will receive an all expense paid trip to the Supreme Offices, the Knights of Columbus Museum and St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut. They will also receive $750 to take with them if the 75,000th member is recruited prior to the end of the Columbian Year (our state membership currently stands at 74,484).
Regardless of the means or the method, continue to offer eligible Catholic men the opportunity to grow in faith and service afforded by membership in our Order. Be proud of your achievements. Strive for Star Council, Star District.