For most men who follow Jesus, there comes a time when duty extends beyond our own lives, beyond how we lead our families, and into how we serve our fellow man. That’s what the Knights of Columbus is all about. The Patriotic Degree allows K of C members to take this one step further. “Sir Knight” is more than a title — it’s an honor.
Standing Firm in Support of the Order
Knights of the Patriotic Degree are dedicated to the personal development and continued honor of brother Knights. We are always there to offer leadership, guidance, and encouragement.
Proudly Serving the Country
Knights of the Patriotic Degree glorify God by serving our communities and nations as though Christ were the one being served.
Unwavering Support of the Faith
Knights of the Patriotic Degree hold unwaveringly to what is right and honorable, working to keep God in the civic arena, serving the life of the Church, and defending laws that recognize the sanctity of life and true religious liberty.
Honoring the Legacy of Knighthood
The Color Corps is an ELECTIVE division of the Patriotic Degree, whose distinctive presence in parades, wreath-laying ceremonies, confirmations and other Catholic functions is a visible reminder of our service to the community. The tuxedo, chapeau, cape and sword worn by the Color Corps were inspired by 19th century naval uniforms, with different cape colors representing nine different program ranks. The ceremonial sword symbolizes Christian Knighthood, and is carried to signify reverence to Church, Eucharist, country and freedom. Color Corps members wear the colors with pride, knowing they represent the very best of the Knights of Columbus. READ MORE
Patriotic Degree District Website: www.socalfourthdegree.org
Christ Cathedral Assembly 3479 Website
Assembly 85 El Camino Real Website
Assembly 2305 Santiago de Compostela Website
Assembly 2375 St. Jude Website
Assembly 3564 Our Lady of La Vang Website
Assembly 62 Mission San Juan Capistrano Website |
Candidate Information
Must be a Knighthood Degree member in good standing. There is no longer a waiting period for membership in the Patriotic Degree. Have an approved Form 4 along with $70.00 application fee submitted to the Master of the District to be considered for the Exemplification of the Patriotic Degree. Clergy (Priests and Brothers) application fees shall be $35.00. All fees must be submitted by Assembly check made payable to: Master, Fourth Degree candidates contact your assembly for address AND additional fees for your assembly. |
New Uniform
The Uniform of the Fourth Degree is a blue blazer with Fourth Degree Emblem, dark-gray slacks, a blue Fourth Degree tie, white shirt, and a black beret with the Fourth Degree Emblem.
In August 2017, the Knights of Columbus board of directors unanimously voted to adopt a new uniform for the Fourth Degree. The decision was made with the good of the entire Order in mind. While we understand that some members may prefer the old regalia, the supreme master and vice supreme masters urge all Fourth Degree members to put the good of the Order before any personal preference.
The board decided to make this move based on the following factors:
- the aging of our Fourth Degree membership
- the slow growth of the Fourth Degree (fewer than 20 percent of Knights are Fourth Degree members, and only a fraction of that number even serve as honor guards)
- consistent reports that the old regalia presented a barrier to Fourth Degree membership, especially among younger men
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