Powers and Authority SEC. 9. All executive authority shall be vested in the Board of Directors; said Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Order, shall cause the laws of the Order to be faithfully executed and administered, shall exercise all executive authority through itself or committee over the state and subordinate councils, chapters and members of the Order, shall have full control and management of all matters as to and of disputes, discipline, funds or property of the Order, other than funds or property of subordinate councils, and of all other concerns of the Order, except when otherwise provided by law or by vote of the Supreme Council, and shall have full power and authority to interpret the laws of the Order of the Knights of Columbus, consistent with the spirit thereof, and the well-being of the Order, and the determination of said Board of Directors on any trial or appeal allowed by law shall be final.
Council May Make By-Laws SEC. 241. (a) Subordinate councils may promulgate for their own government such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may find necessary for the proper conduct of their affairs; provided, that no bylaws, rules and regulations shall be enacted which shall conflict with or be in opposition to or in any way impair the enforcement of the constitution, rules and regulations made or enacted, or which may be made and enacted by the Supreme Council, or Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus. Such by-laws shall not become operative until approved by the Supreme Advocate, from whose decision an appeal may be taken to the Board of Directors.
(c) The Board of Directors may make such rules and regulations, and provide such pledge or ceremonial, as may be necessary for the conduct and government of such units.
(d) The consent of the ordinary of the diocese shall first be obtained before a unit shall be established in any diocese.
(e) Every unit so organized shall be under the direct control and supervision of the council, Fourth Degree assembly or chapter establishing it, and any subordinate council, Fourth Degree assembly or chapter so establishing a unit shall be responsible for the proper conduct thereof, and for the enforcement of the laws pertaining thereto, and such rules, regulations and ceremonials as the Board of Directors shall adopt.
(f) Any subordinate council, Fourth Degree assembly or chapter establishing such a unit shall require it to charge its members an initiation fee of not less than one dollar and the annual dues shall be a reasonable charge payable monthly in advance, and to keep an accurate record of its proceedings and activities and of the names, ages and residences of its members, which record shall be open at all times to the Advisory Board of said council, assembly or chapter.
(g) The Board of Directors may provide for the organization of state units.
Chapters SEC. 242. Where three or more councils are located in a neighboring area, the Board of Directors, upon petition and recommendation of the State Deputy, may organize a chapter. Said chapter shall take into consideration matters relating as a whole to the well-being and promotion of the Order and its objectives in the locality. The chapter shall consist of elected representatives from such councils as shall be designated by the Board of Directors to be members of the chapter, but only if each of the said councils shall, by majority vote of the members present and voting at an announced council meeting following written notice to the entire membership, express a willingness to join said chapter. The State Deputy and the District Deputies of districts of which any of said councils are a part and such members of the Board of Directors as reside within the jurisdiction shall also be members. Chapters may promulgate such by-laws, rules and regulations for their own government as they may find necessary for the proper conduct of their affairs, provided that the same shall not conflict with or be in opposition to or in any way impair the enforcement of the constitution, laws, rules or regulations of the Supreme Council or Board of Directors. Such by-laws, rules and regulations shall not become operative until approved by the Supreme Advocate, from whose decision an appeal may be taken to the Board of Directors. Chapters may levy and collect assessments upon the councils so designated by the Board of Directors for membership therein as they may find necessary for the defraying of their legitimate expenses. Councils failing to pay such assessments within the prescribed time shall be denied representation in the chapter while said default exists. A council may withdraw from a chapter by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the regular May business council meeting, but only if written notice to the entire membership that this question will be before the council is given ten days before said meeting. A chapter may be dissolved by the Board of Directors.
All officers shall be elected annually by ballot at regular business meeting of the chapter held between the fifteenth day of June to and including the fifteenth day of July each year from the newly elected representatives, and said officers shall hold their offices until the first of July of the following year and until their successors are elected and qualified.
The laws governing subordinate councils and their officers shall, in the absence of a specific provision to the contrary, be applicable to chapters. (Pages 85-86)