Welcome to the Website of the Knights of Columbus Orange County, CA


Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference.   You will make lifelong friends.  50 Councils in the Diocese of Orange.

Why Join the Knights of Columbus? I don’t have time to join another organization; why should I join the Knights of Columbus? As a Knight you can choose the projects with which you wish to be involved in within your own community. What is more, the Order is dedicated to family life and the many benefits it offers. From insurance to scholarships to service and social activities and programs, all are open to the whole family.

YOU determine how much time you can devote – a few hours a year or a few hours a month.   CLICK HERE FOR AN INVITATION

FAITH: Grow in your faith.  Support your parish.  Help with your parish fiesta.  Knights become better Catholics.

FAMILY: We have many family activities each year such as picnics, council breakfasts, coats for kids and others. Give back to your community.  Show your children how to make a difference.

FRIENDSHIP: You will meet like-minded men and make life-long friendships.

FUN:  Have fun with your family and brother knights.  See the smiles on the faces of those we help.  Special Olympics, Food for Families, Habitat for Humanity and other activities.












Day of Sharing  Learn More

A fun-filled carnival for children and adults with special needs.  Everyone is a winner especially the caregivers and the Knights of Columbus.  Games, prizes and food.  Entertainment for all.

What We do!

The first principle of the Knights is Charity.  For over forty years, we have supported children and adults with intellectual disabilities.  Some of the 501 (c) 3 organizations we support are the Shea Center, Camp RAD and therapeutic riding centers.  Click Here for more information.  Click Here for Grant Application

Have you ever wondered, “How can I make my community better?” While individuals certainly can do great things on their own, Knights of Columbus members, coming together as one through their council, have accomplished great things in our communities. Coats for Kids, Food for Families and Wheelchairs for Veterans are some of the Community Activity programs that are positively shaping their communities by addressing the needs of its citizens.   READ MORE

A Higher Purpose
Create annual opportunities for prayer and reflection as a fraternity. Under the guidance of their chaplain, Knights of Columbus councils can attend a retreat or day of reflection together or perhaps organize their own event for men of their parish. Council participation in Spiritual Reflection is required to qualify for Columbian Award.  READ MORE


Chapter Meetings

Chapter Meetings are held the 4th Thursday
Fellowship and food at 6:30 pm
Meeting 7:00 pm
CLICK HERE FOR Meeting information and map.


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Star Council Award

The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and service program activities. In order to earn the Star Council Award, a council must qualify for the Father McGivney, Founder’s, and Columbian Awards.

Additionally, the council must submit its Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728), its Service Program Personnel Report (#365), and remain in good standing with Supreme Council assessments.

*To be eligible for the Star Council Award in the United States and/or Canada, councils must be fully compliant with applicable safe environment requirements.*  READ MORE

Click here for exemplification information.  The new exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity are now open to family and friends.  

Our Safe Environment Program safeguards children and other vulnerable persons, assures members and their families that we maintain a safe environment, protects members from awkward situations, misunderstandings, and appearances of impropriety, builds trust with arch/dioceses and parishes, and protects the good name of the Knights of Columbus.  CLICK HERE TO TAKE ONLINE TRAINING

Our policy requires that members complete applicable arch/diocesan background checks and any other requirements that may be required by the local arch/bishop and/or pastor to serve as a volunteer on parish property. Our own program is operated in conjunction with our strategic partner in youth protection and safe environment.


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Orange Diocese Members
Special Needs Donations
Religious Scholarships

Faith In Action Programs

Make a powerful difference in your community. Help those less fortunate with the basic human needs of clothing, shelter, mobility and compassion.  CLICK THE LINKS BELOW.

Leave No Neighbor Behind (Featured) 
Coats for Kids (Featured)
Global Wheelchair Mission (Featured)
Habitat for Humanity (Featured)
Catholic Citizen Essay Contest
Disaster Preparedness
Free Throw Championship
Soccer Challenge


Grow in faith and build a strong parish and Church. Aid priests and religious in formation, honor Mary, mother of God, and engage in serious spiritual reflections and religious education activities.  CLICK THE LINKS BELOW.

Spiritual Reflection New (Featured)
Refund Vocation Support Program (Featured)
Building the Domestic Church Kiosk & Series
Marian Icon Prayer
Rosary Program 
Holy Hour(Featured)
Sacramental Gifts New
Into the Breach (Featured)

Strengthen families through faith and service. Socialize and pray with other faith-filled Catholic families through special events, religious services and volunteer opportunities.  CLICK THE LINKS BELOW.

Create a culture of life. Assist pregnant women in need, care for the elderly, aid the handicapped and empower those with special needs to realize their full potential.  CLICK THE LINKS BELOW.

Novena for Life New 
Marches for Life (Featured)
Special Olympics (Featured)
Ultrasound Initiative (Featured)
Christian Refugee Relief
Silver Rose
Mass for People with Special Needs New
Pregnancy Center Support(Featured)


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