Create a culture of life. Assist pregnant women in need, care for the elderly, aid the handicapped and empower those with special needs to realize their full potential.
For more information and to register for the 2019 One 1 Life LA – Los Angeles Walk for Life, please go to:
For more information and to register for the 2019 West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco, please go to: We will need to provide 250 volunteers to serve as Peace Keepers, coordinators and to provide transportation to visiting dignitaries and clergy.
For more information and to register for the 2019 San Diego Walk for Life, please go to: We would like every Chapter in the state to participate in a Walk for Life in their area.
Please visit the websites above for updated information and photos of the last Walk for Life.
On January 22, 2009, the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand, the Knights of Columbus launched a new initiative aimed at providing women considering abortion a new way of viewing the life within them.
On that day, the K of C Supreme Council matched funds raised by Knights in Florida and Iowa to provide two pregnancy care centers complete funding for the acquisition of ultrasound machines that will help the centers to provide for the health of both mother and child.
As of March 2015, numerous local and state councils have qualified for matching funds from the Supreme Council office towards the purchase of over 540 ultrasound machines at a cost of over $16.1 million, with additional state and local council fund raising campaigns for ultrasound machine purchases either in progress or to be launched in the near future.
K of C-Light and Life 70X7 Mobile Ultrasound Defining Purpose, Value and Motto We embrace mobile ultrasound for its essential reality – it is, indeed, a God-given instrument of light – which reveals the truth of the humanity of the unborn child, yet in his or her mother’s womb, and empowers the mother and father, themselves, to stand up for life, whatever their circumstances, and to travel the road of Light and Life, of truth and salvation.
Ultrasound transforms sound into images, light which “pierces the darkness,” illuminating the life of the unborn baby in the mother’s womb, transforming the perceptions of an abortion- minded mother or father through a light of life – the image of their son or daughter.
We anchor Light and Life 70X7 in John’s Gospel: “The light shines on in the darkness, a darkness that did not overcome it.” [1:5] Jesus spoke clearly: “I am the light of the world. No follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life.” [8:12]
We, Knights of Columbus, are all men and women of Light and Life, bringing light and life to our society – utilizing the existing framework of the principal Culture of Life “partnership in the United States, K of C and the Catholic Church, and helping raise awareness, and fun and funds, from within the Church and throughout society, to provide Original Equipment Manufactured (“OEM”) “Turn-key” Mobile Ultrasound Facilities to each qualified Pregnancy Resource Center (“PRC”), as many as possible up to 490 (70×7), as quickly as possible over seven (7) years, throughout California and the United States.
The K of C-Light and Life 70X7 Mobile Ultrasound Program is a template for K of C chapters and councils throughout California and, by God’s Grace and continuing generous free will giving and participation of Knights and parishioners, throughout the nation, 70 cities, each constituted of (a minimum of) seven KofC councils-parishes, with a goal to supply each city and/or surrounding area their first OEM mobile ultrasound platform by year-end 2014 and, otherwise, as quickly as possible, and promote and assure in each city a total of seven mobile platforms over seven years.
The Foundation exists to assist councils, parishes and PRC’s throughout the U.S. in each initial and, as needed and to the extent possible, succeeding campaign in each of 70 cities over seven years.