Chapter Officers Duties from By-Laws
The President of the Chapter is the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter and shall preside at all Chapter meetings. He shall approve, in writing, all orders drawn on the Treasury for the payment of monies on behalf of the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the Delegation. He is empowered to appoint Third Degree members to be chairmen of various committees and for positions established annually.
The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
The Secretary shall keep a record of all minutes of the meetings and shall perform such duties as the Chapter or the President may delegate to him. (minutes should be emailed to webmaster within 14 days of meeting.)
The Treasurer shall be the Chapter’s Chief Financial Officer. He shall keep all books and records of the Chapter’s financial accounts. He and the President shall also cosign all checks.
Additional Chapter Officers Responsibilities:
- Ensure that flyers and programs for Officers Installation Dinner, Clergy Night and State Deputy Testimonial Dinner are prepared and distributed in a timely manner.
- Responsible for all communication with councils and officers.
- Monitor Chapter Directory – Assign Chapter Secretary or ???
- Agenda for Council Officers Workshop
- Agendas for chapter meeting and officers meeting
- Appoint Chapter Advocate and Chapter Marshal
- Appoint three Trustees from Past Chapter Presidents
- Develop chapter budget with input from chapter officers
- Develop and update chapter calendar
- Obtain venue for chapter meetings, Clergy Appreciation Night and May Awards Meeting
- Program Chairman – Keep chairman reports to 3 minutes
- Assist with Clergy Appreciation Night
- Make sure chairman present information at appropriate chapter meeting:
Father McGivney Guild in September or October
Essay Contest present in August, Soccer in September
Poster Contest and Basketball in October (no chapter meeting in Nov and Dec)
Other reports as needed
- Send invitations for Officers Installation Dinner and State Deputy Testimonial Dinner
- Roll call of officers at chapter meetings
- Annual Chapter Directory
- Clergy Night:
Responsible for Clergy Night
Coordinate bar with Council 9594,
Purchase Daily Alcohol Permit
Purchase insurance including liquor liability from Diocese
Responsible for invitations to state officers and clergy
Prepare seating chart and Register guests
- Prepare vouchers for expenses, include account numbers and compare to budget and read vouchers at chapter meeting
- Distribute income and expense statement and financial information to Chapter Officers and district Deputies three days before each chapter meeting.
- Deposit all funds received within three days of receipt and make copies of all checks received
- Print hard copies of all bank statements for chapter audit
- Charity box funds are deposited to savings account. All other funds deposited to checking.
- Collect dinner funds for clergy night
- Register guests for Clergy Night
- Mail/Email billing for council per-capita and hospitality funds by August 30 of each year.
- Collect per-capita and hospitality suite funds and report at Officers Meeting
Chapter Advocate: Appointed
- Roberts Rules
- Chapter by-laws and Supreme Constitution & Laws
Chapter Marshall: Appointed
- Assist with bar at Clergy Night
- Responsible for Hospitality Room at State Convention in May
- Distribute Charity Box at Chapter Business Meetings
- Responsible for Chapter Banner and flag
- Maintain roll sheets for attendance at chapter business meetings
- Present Marshal’s report on attendance at each chapter meeting
- Distribute Sick & Distress List at chapter meetings
- Assist with food and drinks for chapter meetings and events
- Set up room for chapter meetings and collect money for opportunity drawing
Chapter Trustees/Financial Advisors: Appointed
- Supervises all financial business of the chapter and conducts the annual audit.
- At the end of each Columbian Year, the Trustees shall meet and audit the several books of this Chapter. In each July, the Trustees shall make a full report of their findings, including the receipts and disbursements of the moneys of this Chapter for the previous period, the balance on hand to the credit of each of the various funds at the end of each period, and the assets and liabilities of the Chapter. The Chapter President shall issue the call for such meeting of the Trustees. The completed and signed audit will be sent to the Supreme Office and the California State Deputy.