Knights of Columbus

Poster Contest

posterKnights of Columbus California State Substance Abuse Poster Contest

The Knights of Columbus have a Substance Abuse poster contest for children 8-14 years of age.  This contest is held from September through January at the local level.  Judging should be done by your Council by January 25th. Entrants age is as of January 1st. This is important, so make sure your check the age eligibility.

The Substance Abuse Contest allows children to use their artistic merits to create a poster that could be used by the Knights of Columbus to prevent abuse.

Your Council will need a SA-Kit to participate in this program.  You can pick them up on-line through the Supreme website.  You will need to order soon since it takes a few weeks to arrive.

All Chapter winners will be displayed at the State Convention in 2016. California State Winners will be announced at the 2016 Knights of Columbus State Convention.