Personal Recruitment
Helping new members to become engaged and remain engaged in their council is a vital task for all Knights. The growth of the Knights of Columbus depends not only on recruiting new members, but also on retaining current ones. These retention efforts for new members begin once he joins the Order.
Recruiting a new member into your council is a terrific achievement. Take the newly initiated member and his family under your wing. A proposer needs to maintain a personal relationship with the new Knight to see that he is integrated into council activities, at his pace. See that he learns council procedures (such as meeting times, committee assignments, etc.) and meets other council members. Accompany your recruit to his Second and Third degree exemplifications and stay with him throughout the day. Introduce him and his family at council events. Encourage him to involve his family in council‐sponsored activities.
With a little personal effort you can help guarantee that your recruit becomes not only an active member of the Knights of Columbus, but a member for life.
CLICK HERE for recruitment techniques.