
Chapter Free Throw Contest

Orange County Chapter Basketball Free Throw Contest

It’s that time of the year again, when our young kids show us how good they are and how bad we are at shooting baskets.

The Orange County Chapter Basketball Free Throw Contest will be held on March 9th at Saint Norbert Church 300 E. Taft Ave. Orange 92865 in the gymnasium as it has for many years. It is one of the few parishes that has a school and a gymnasium and I am grateful to them for letting us use their facilities.

Registration will begin at 8:00 AM for the 9 year olds and will be 1/2 hour before the competition starts time for each age group that follows. ALL and I repeat ALL (and this includes a COPY, and I repeat a COPY of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE or other LEGAL PROOF of AGE ) paperwork will be filled out completely.

Starting at the top of the form,

Boy/Girl, Age, (age of child as of January 1st 2019),

Childs Name, Date of Birth,

Home Address, City, State and Zip Code.

A GOOD contact Phone # (Preferably a parents #), Signature of the Child competing.

Section 2 the COUNCIL Number, the Signature of the Father, Mother or Guardian of child and Date Signed.

In the Scoring Section again the Council # and Name of the Council, the DISTRICT # and the DD’S Name . Too many times I have got stuck tracking information down and I don’t want to do it again. I also expect the DD or his Warden to be at the competition if he has a participant shooting at this contest.

Again all participates need to check in 30 minutes before their scheduled time to shoot.

Boy and Girls Age  9                8:30 – 9:00

                        Age 10             9:00 – 9:45

                       Age 11             9:45 -10:30

So be fair to all the participates the trophies will be presented after the 11 year olds and 14 year olds have completed their competitions.

Award trophies  Ages 9 thru 11          10:30 – 11:00

Boys and Girls   Age 12                       11:00 – 11:45  

                          Age 13                       11:45-   12:30

                          Age 14                       12:30 –  1:00

 Awards trophies ages 12 thru 14         1:00 – 1:30 

Clean-up:  Just because the competition is over doesn’t mean the DD’S and Chapter Officers should leave. The Gym needs to be put back the way you found it. 

If you have a child with a conflict with their time, I need to know ahead of time to be able to fit them in. No last minute PLEASE as it throws off the schedule.

One last thing, the District Deputy or his representative should have all the paperwork not the parent or anyone else. The DD is to whole on to the forms from his contest not give them to the parent as some have done In the past.               

Don Ehrman Orange County Basketball Chairman
