Knights of Columbus

Chapter Events

Chapter visits the new St. Callistus Chapel at Christ Cathedral. 

How Chapter helps your council.

  • Chapter sponsors the Annual Clergy Appreciation Night Dinner to show our support for our priests and religious brothers and sisters.
  • Chapter meetings provide an opportunity to share ideas and programs with other councils. The meetings are a chance to learn what works in other councils and how these programs could help you.
  • Chapter officers, Committee Chairmen and District Deputy Mentors are ready to help you and your council with membership and programs.
  • Chapter sponsors a hospitality suite at the State Convention each May. Food and refreshments are available for all of our brother knights and their families at NO charge.
  • Chapter provides special training programs for council officers and District Deputies.
  • Chapter publishes a Ceremonial Schedule for all degrees in the Diocese of Orange.
  • Chapter helps with the Annual Day of Sharing Carnival for Intellectually Disabled each April.
  • Social Media: The Chapter website (, and the Chapter facebook page provide information for councils and affords an opportunity to publicize your council events.