For Christ Forever
The first-ever capital campaign supporting the Diocese of Orange, For Christ Forever
is our opportunity to:
- Grow in covenant with God and one another
- Show unity amongOrangeCounty’s Catholic faithful
- Ensure the legacy of our Faith continues to grow today and forever
Catholic Community Growth
The Diocese of Orange is experiencing vibrant growth:
- 1.2 million Catholics are in OC, or about 40% of the total population
- It is now the 10th largest diocese in theU.S.
- Financial resources are essential to support our expanding Catholic community
Emerging Opportunities Now
Immediate opportunities exist to connect, share and reinvigorate the missionary spirit of our faithful through:
- Renovating and dedicating of our future Christ Cathedral
- Supporting our local parishes, priests, Catholic education and ministries
- Aligning with Pope Benedict XVI’s call to New Evangelization
$16 Million Dollars for Parish Support
For Christ Forever will help address unmet needs, so each one of our 62 parishes and centers will benefit. Our parishes face significant unfunded material and pastoral needs. Not funded by regular sources of offertory income, these needs include:
- Church and building restoration, renovations and repairs
- Constructing new facilities
- Debt reduction, raising endowment funds, capital improvements
- Income to support parish services and ministries
Once a parish has reached its 2013 PSA target, 25 percent of the funds raised at the parish level will support local parish needs. These funds may be used as individual parishes deem appropriate.
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