Knights of Columbus

State Service Program Awards

Awards Program 2012-2013


The untiring and often heroic efforts of all Brother Knights inCaliforniaas they collectively work together as a Council should never go unnoticed. To recognize these accomplishments, numerous awards will be given at the State convention. Awards taken back to a parish or council hall are a great recruiting tool to show prospective members the accomplishments that they can help make possible.

The State Activity Awards Program is a significant program that accomplishes many purposes including:

  • • Recognition for councils and chapters that have done an outstanding job in specific activities.
  • • An opportunity to share your Council and Chapter activities that were successful with otherCouncils and Chapters.
  • • Assist in the ongoing renewal of our church community by sharing your successes. 


To qualify for any award, a Council must have submitted Form 365 (Service Program Personnel Report) and Form 1728 (Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity Report). The Council must also be in good standing with the Supreme Council and the California State Council.

The seven major categories of awards are: Church Activities, Community Activities, Council Activities, Family Activities, Youth Activities, Culture of Life Activities, and Vocations Activities.

Councils compete against like-sized councils based on Supreme membership data as of May 1, 2012:

Division 1: 60 members or less

Division 2: 61 to 90 members

Division 3: 91 to 120 members

Division 4: 121 to 180 members

Division 5: 181 members or more

There is only one reporting period. Activities from April 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013 may be included. The DEADLINE IS: POSTMARKED BY APRIL 2, 2013.   A summary of all the addresses for reports, and the scoring criteria, are noted under the report of the State Service Program Assistant Director, under the heading “State Activity Report Guidelines”. 

STSP-CA is the form to use NOT the supreme form. Only ONE activity will be reported on each form. You should submit only the best five (5) events your Council has done within each category. Substantiating data (pictures, council &

church bulletins, newspaper articles, etc.) should follow each activity form. Separate the activities with tabs. (Chairmen will not hunt down forms in reports not separated with tabs). Fill in the activity form completely to get the maximum points.


The State Deputy Award is given to each and every Council that meets the following criteria:

1. Forms 185, 365, 1295, & 1728 must have been submitted in a timely manner.

2. Supreme NET Membership quota must be attained by April 1, 2012.

3. Council must have held an Insurance Benefits meeting with the agent’s signature on the form.

4. Council must have participated in all seven Service Program categories.

Please see form SDA-CA for details.

NB. The State’s Best Council Awardees need to qualify for the State Deputy Award.


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