Knights of Columbus volunteers will serve meals in the Hillside Residential Dining Facility, California State University – Long Beach (park in Lot 19) and at Parkside Residential Dining Facility, California State University – Long Beach (park in Lot 14A). A map will be distributed prior to event.
The following are the meal periods the Knights as a group will be volunteering. Everyone must pre-register on the Special Olympics website. You may register for multiple meal period times if you like. Registration instructions follow.
If the councils from the Orange County Chapter would prefer to stay together as a group they can register for volunteer time at Parkside Residential Dining Facility which presently has the most open slots left.
- Friday, Jun 9th, 2017 from 04:15 PM to 08:00 PM Evening Dinner (Hillside Dining Room)
- Saturday, Jun 10th, 2017 from 06:00 AM to 08:00 AM Breakfast (Hillside Dining Room)
- Saturday, Jun 10th, 2017 from 04:15 PM to 08:00 PM Dinner – (Hillside Dining Room)
- Saturday, Jun 10th, 2017 from 04:15 PM to 08:00 PM Dinner – (Parkside Dining Room)
- Sunday, Jun 11th, 2017 from 06:00 AM to 08:00 AM Breakfast – (Hillside Dining Room)
- Sunday, Jun 11th, 2017 from 06:00 AM to 08:00 AM Breakfast – (Parkside Dining Room)
Registration opens on April 10th at 8am.
Summer Games Volunteers,
Thank you for volunteering at Special Olympics Southern California’s 2017 Summer Games. To register for Summer Games, please follow the registration instructions below:
Important Reminder:
Please register by Friday, June 9th at 9am; all unfilled group shifts will be released to the public after this date and time.
How to register:
- Go to: https://2017-summergames-volunteer.my-trs.com
- Begin by clicking the purple “Register Now” button.
- Located the blue “Public Volunteer Groups” box and click “”
- In the “Access Code box”, enter code: KOC and click “Unlock”
- Select your shift by clicking on the small gray box to the right & click “Next”
- If you are new to the site, create an account on the left and click “” If you already have an account with the site, login on the right.
- Fill out profile question & Click “Next”
- Agree to Terms & Conditions by initialing & click “Agree & Confirm”
- Review shift and Select “Confirm”
- You are officially registered! Within 5 minutes you will receive a confirmation email.
Thank you for helping to make a difference in the lives of Special Olympics Athletes!
For registration questions, please contact Manager, Volunteers Nina Hadar at nhadar@sosc.org