Brother Knights…
The next Chapter General Meeting will take place on September 24th (Thursday) at 7:30 PM at St. John Neuman Parish Hall in Irvine.
Special guest speaker will be PCP Steve Bolton (State Program Director) who will provide an important video presentation on the Colombian Year 2015-2016 State Programs. These include some of the following programs:
- Intellectual Disabilities ( ID) Program
- Veterans Wheelchair Program
- Coats for Kids Program
ID Program: Most recently, there was an informative presentation about the ID program. Thirty four (34) councils participated in this program last year. How about six more councils join us this year? Then too, we suggest that each participating council achieve a donation goal of at least $4,000. Why the magic number…each council at this level receives special recognition at the next State Convention in May, 2016.
Veterans Wheelchair Program: Hurry…Veterans Day is Wednesday November 14th. Plan your council/parish wheelchair collection event on either the preceding weekend, or the following weekend of this date. Be mindful that because of your past efforts, this is now a State program. Congratulations!
State Deputy Ed Huestis has been asked to visit our Chapter on a General Chapter meeting evening to present the State Deputy Forum program. In that way, many more of our council leaders will be able to attend. We are waiting for a date convenient to our State Deputy’s busy schedule.
Regarding Degree Ceremony dates and places, please check the Chapter website.
Per Capita billing has been sent out. We need your support and cooperation with this financial request.
The Diocese of Orange Chapter is currently at forty seven councils with three more in the development stage. That identifies a total membership of almost seven thousand Brother Knights. Great job by everyone!
We are growing because of all of your many activities at the council, chapter, state, and national level. We are blessed with your support and cooperation.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us.
Jack Cleary
OC Chapter President