Knights of Columbus
Orange County Chapter Happenings
September 2014
My Brothers,
First, I want to thank each of you for the support and prayers that my family and I have received in the past few weeks as my Dad passed on to his reward. I was in Ohio from September 7th through last Friday, the 20th. I missed many of the events that took place this month. I especially want thank our Vice President, Jack Cleary, and Past Chapter President Ronn Knowles for ensuring that Chapter Operations ran smoothly in my absence.
One consequence of my absence is the late and meager article that I am providing you with this month. I missed the Blessing of the Waves in Huntington Beach, as well as the Financial Secretary Training conducted by our State Trainer, Brother Jack Corcoran. I was told that about 15 Council Officers attended and that the session went well.
Another note of thanks to Grand Knight Dan Hoffmann and the Knights of Council 15065, Council of the Rock, for hosting the State Deputy’s Information session on Saturday, September 21. Our Chapter Marshall Rudy Lopez and Brother Dan made certain that the hall was ready and refreshments were available.
Our Diocese is hosting its annual Prayer Breakfast this Thursday, beginning at 6:00 am. Our State Officers have reserved a table and many of our members plan on attending. Bishop Vann will reveal the final plans for the upgrades to the main Cathedral after the breakfast.
This coming Sunday, Council 10287, St. Joseph’s in Placentia, will host a 3rd Degree. Candidates are expected to register between 12:30 and 1:30 pm. I understand that a prime rib dinner with all of the fixings is planned. Please make a reservation on the Chapter website or contact District Deputy Bill Schafer.
October has 3 major events that I’d like to highlight. First, the 4th Degree exemplification will be held at the Irvine Marriott on Saturday, October 4th. The weekend of Oct 17-19 is the annual Intellectually Disabled Fund Drive. Hopefully, all of Orange County’s Councils will participate and contribute to this tremendous program that serves so many. Finally, a benefit dinner for the Brothers of St. Patrick will take place at St. Bonaventure’s Parish in Huntington Beach on Saturday, October 25th.
Our Chapter meeting for September is this Thursday, September 25, at St. Joachim’s in Costa Mesa. I hope to see many of you there. Let us know what’s going on in your Council and hear what others are doing.
Vivat Jesus!
Yours in service,
Jack Haney
President, Orange County Chapter
Knights of Columbus