Coronavirus Pandemic Guidebook
1. Support Your Brother Knights
No council should leave a Brother Knight behind. Through tools including phone trees
and daily check-ins, your council can make sure that every Knight has the essentials he needs,
fulfilling the vision of charity and unity upon which Father McGivney founded our Order.
2. Support Your Parish
In this unprecedented time, your pastor has lost his traditional methods of charitable and
evangelical outreach. He needs help to fulfill the Church’s mission. Councils must reinforce their
pastor and show that Knights stand ready to support him and the parish community, ensuring
that no member of the parish is forgotten or goes hungry.
3. Support Your Community
As a result of quarantine measures, many find themselves cut off and isolated – especially those
without family and community support systems. Some needs may be physical, while others are
social, emotional or spiritual. Whatever the need, councils are encouraged to assess and
creatively support their broader community.
4. Feed the Hungry
Since its founding, the Knights of Columbus has donated millions of pounds of food in the
effort to end hunger. Now, more than ever, many are unable to provide adequate food for their
families. Knights can donate to, and assist with, distribution at local food pantries and food
banks so no one in their community goes to bed hungry at night.
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