Since the time of our Order’s founding, Knights of Columbus councils have actively responded to the most pressing issues facing people in our parishes and communities. As soon as a man become a member of the Order, he accepts this fraternal mission.
Unfortunately, many Knights don’t understand the extent of this mission, while others simply feel ill-equipped to be an effective presence in their parish or community.
As an officer, it is your responsibility to help your new Knights understand this mission and actively engage in it. Learn how to do so by participating in our next webinar, How We Are Seen Is How We Are Known, on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 8 p.m. Eastern time.
The one-hour webinar will provide a detailed look at:
- Keeping First (Admission) Degree promises
- Attracting young members through service projects
- Spreading our mission through charitable service outreach programs
All council and assembly officers, district deputies and state officers are encouraged to participate in this webinar. Click here to register.