2021 Knights of Columbus, Bishop Johnson Council Charity Golf Tournament
Sunday August 22, 2021 Registration at 12:00PM Shotgun Start @ 1:30pm
Tijeras Creek Golf Club (tijerascreek.com)
29082 Tijeras Creek, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688S
(949) 589-9793
Hosted by the Santiago de Compostela Church, Knights of Columbus Council 9487, the tournament
raises funds for supported charities such as:
Special Olympics (www.sosc.org)
Intellectual Disability (ID) fund: Since 1980, the Knights of Columbus at all levels have provided more
than $375 million to help those with physical and mental disabilities
Mary’s Path – SoCal maternity home for pregnant teens and their babies (maryspath.org)
Obria Medical Clinics (obria.org)
Visit our event web site to register, for sponsorship details or to buy an entry into the helicopter ball drop
$175 fee per person includes:
Golf and cart
One entry into helicopter ball drop (extra tickets available for $10 each; grand prize will be up to $500
or 10% of the total ball drop sales)
Grilled Tri-Tip Dinner and Awards Banquet (extra dinners available for $40.00 per person)
Prizes for low net score and challenge holes
Tournament Details:
Registration starts at 12pm (new time)
Shotgun start at 1:30pm (new time)
Helicopter ball drop at 6:30pm followed by Dinner
Putting Contest and Challenge Holes; 50/50 Drawing, Raffle
Open to all players youth, men and woman players (e.g. Husband/Wife, Male/Female Teams Welcome)
Sponsor Opportunities:
Hole and Tee sponsors, $150 minimum per hole (please email sign details)
Prize or cash donations also accepted, for charitable purposes, Tax ID is 33-0218147
Questions? Volunteers?
Please call or email Al Gamarra at 714-697-8322 (adgamarra@gmail.com)