My Brothers,
Our Annual Day of Sharing is this Saturday, April 18th, at the Speech and Language Development Center in Buena Park. This is our second year at the school. Many of us were apprehensive after so many years at Marywood but last year proved that we have an excellent new venue for our Premier Chapter Event. I encourage every member who has never been part of one of these days to come and spend an hour. I must warn you though, you may find your life changed. The raffle that is our primary funding source for the Day of Sharing has not done so well this year. Chapter Charities reports that we are about $2500 below what we normally collect. This can impact the Day or our contributions to other programs for the Intellectually Disabled. If you haven’t purchased your tickets but can make the donation, please bring them (and a check) on Saturday.
While on this subject, Chapter Charities reports that we have collected over $130,000 so far. Subsequently, I was advised that Our Lady Queen of Angels turned in $12,500! (Great Job!). Our goal has been $150,000 for this Columbian Year and we are now very close. Please make certain that any ID drive money that your Council has collected under the ID 501c3 activity has been turned in at this time.
Many Councils have held membership drives in March and April. Until this year, Orange County was always in the top 5 of the State for membership. Last year, a number of Councils went through the arduous process of seeking out Brothers who were no longer participating and reluctantly dropping those who were gone, passed on, or simply stated that they no longer chose to be a Knight. Despite the fact that we have not met our goals because of this deficit, I see this as a year of renewal and rebuilding. Many of our Councils are demonstrating that this is in fact what is happening here. I’m certain that our Councils will replace those lost members with dedicated new Brothers within the next few years. We will be stronger for this in the long run. I commend every Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, and Membership Chairman who have made the hard choices and carried on.
One popular tool for Membership drives is the Knights of Columbus Canopy that was given to Chapter last fall. It is available to any Council on a first come first serve basis. Some Councils have taken advantage of quantity buys of these canopies that have been carried out by the State Council. Another of these buys is taking place now. I’ve sent the State’s letter of invitation to order a canopy to every Grand Knight. If interested, orders must be in by May 20.
New members mean there must be Exemplifications. The next 3rd Degree will be on Saturday, April 25th at St. Angela Merici Parish Hall, in Brea. DD117 Bill Schafer and Council 9511 have a prime rib dinner planned to follow the degree. Please make reservations now so they have a reasonable idea of how much food to prepare. Remember that Officers of our Order must be 3rd Degree members. This will be the last chance to advance members to full Knighthood before the 2015-2016 Columbian year elections take place.
Mater Dolorosa in Sierra Madre is one of the most beautiful retreat centers in Southern California. An effort is now underway to renovate the Way of the Stations of the Cross. The Knights have been asked to sponsor the renovation of the 5th Station. The State Office is asking each Council to contribute $100.00 to help fund this renovation. Please discuss this within your Council and you have the means, send a check to the State Office. Mark the check “Stations of Cross” and put the same on the envelope that you send the check in.
The State Convention is one month away! Orange County will host the food in our combined Hospitality Suite. Chapter Marshall Rudy Lopez and PCP Dan Lucas are putting the menu together as we work hand in hand with San Gabriel Valley and Mission High Desert. Fr. Kass Council and GK Juan Baca are donating tri-tip sandwiches for our dinner on Friday night. Stop by early because they will probably go fast. If you haven’t made your reservations yet, I suggest you do so quickly.
Our next Chapter meeting is Thursday, April 23 at St. Joachim’s. One important item of business will be the announcement of the proposed slate of Officers for next year’s Chapter team. Please try to make it. I will send out an agenda next Wednesday before the meeting.
Vivat Jesus!
Yours in service,
Jack Haney
President, Orange County Chapter
Knights of Columbus
Fr. McGivney, Pray for Us!