Please Join Us for the 7th Annual Blessing of the Waves
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Upper Pier Plaza 8:30 am
Huntington Beach, Surf City, USA
“An event for anyone and everyone, all ages,
all faiths -Come Bless the Waves with us
as we focus for a moment on the importance of water
and the environment on all our lives”
Our 2014 Program & Tributes Include:
Most Rev. Kevin W. Vann, JCD, DD
Bishop, Diocese of Orange
2014 BOTW Keynote Guest
Join the : Huntington Beach Interfaith Council,
And Representatives From: HB Jr. Life Guards, Golden West Swim Team,
Marine Safety Division City of HB, 100 Year of Surfing Committee, Visit HB,
City of Huntington Beach and a variety of Celebrities.
On behalf of the 2014 President: Greater HB Interfaith Council
Charles Niederman
Water is at the center of life.
Water has a central place
in the practices and beliefs
of many religions and is
the building block of life!