Category: Knights of Columbus
Greetings by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State
Posted onI wish to express my gratitude to Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and fellow Knights for the invitation to this Concert in this historical Basilica, linked to the memory of Saint Francis of Assisi and one of the most ancient Marian places in Rome, on the occasion of the naming of a Square, in this […]
Clergy Night February 6th
Posted onAnnual Clergy Night at Marywood Retreat Center, 2811 E. Villa Real Drive, Orange. Monday, February 6th with social starting at 6:00 pm. Cost is $20 per person. Be sure to invite all of your priests, brothers, sisters and deacons. More Information Reservations: Al Castellano 714-313-5283 Tom Gillespie 714-962-5712
Membership Information
Posted onMy Brothers, It is hard to believe the Columbian Year is nearly half over. Through the end of November, nearly 33% of the statewide goal for new member recruitment has been achieved. Throughout the State of California, with your concerted efforts, a little over 1,650 new members have been added to councils of the Order. […]
Prayer Vigil
Posted onBrother Knights, In the past two weeks, Vietnamese Catholics both at home and abroad have prayed non-stop for Thai Ha parish, northern Vietnam. Incredibly, 600 police and local government officials have surrounded the Redemptorist parish church, seizing its land. Redemptorist priests and religious were mistreated and threatened, but parishioners, including young people, are still gathering […]